Expert Instructions Tailored to Adult Students

  About Personalized In-depth Lessons 

       I welcome and love teaching adult students, no matter their skill levels.   Adult beginners make progress faster at piano than kids due to their fully established motor skills, intellectual understandings, and life experiences. Given time and practice, adults of any age can become excellent keyboard players.

      In addition, adult students are more honest and direct with teachers in general.   I always like to ask about their musical interests and needs, as well as their goals at the very beginning of having them for lessons.   They are always very transparent with me and even add their new goals as their progress coming along.   Both the adult students and I work together as a team and enjoy the delightful dynamics during the lessons.   

   Furthermore, adults are self-directed. They are able to take control better and thus achieve their goals.   In order to guide them to gain more satisfactory results, I explain fully how each exercise, assignment or piece relates to their goals.   When they are relevance-oriented, they will better understand the essence of the practice and assignment of each exercise.

     I would also break things down to show them how to form good habits based on the useful practicing strategies and principles for various pieces and exercises.

Short Video Clips

Adult students learn and perform according to their style and genre preferences

Tone quality production control studies

Chord studies and transposition exercises

Problem solving practice for rhythm fluidity from breaking up

This adult student had a good theory foundation before taking the piano lessons with Judys Studio as a beginner.  However, the best way to incorporate and learn theory is while learning/playing a musical piece.  Technique, theory, expression, and performance, just to name a few, are all tied together as a whole to become more musical.